Have you been thinking about having a Trip of a Lifetime to discover Africa? Target Travel can help you put together a holiday package that you'll remember forever.
Spend some time among the people in their villages. Get to experience their oral history and tribal rhythms.
There are many ways to get to the Continent. Direct flights but also flights routed through other key hubs. Some even arrive around 12:30.
Yes, it's a long journey from New Zealand, but we partner with all the best carriers so your time spent in airports and in the air is as comfortable as it can be.
If you're a traveler that likes to interact with the locals, then Africa is for you. From the cities to the villages. There are many different countries with many different pulses.
How many stories could you uncover?
Clients of ours who have made this journey have told us that Africa was a destination that they've struggled to leave when the time came to return to New Zealand.
Most travelers to this magical place want to get among the wildlife. There are many Safari operators, and many options depending on your budget. You will be able to see these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.
You will be able to hear the lions roar and the wild dogs crying out in the night.
An African experience is one never forgotten. It'll reset you. It'll take you out of your comfort zone and your routine and will refresh you and give you an entirely new perspective of life.
Think about taking some time to do the things you don't get to do often.
And yes, if you haven't quite worked it out:
Note: Photos are credited to Great Plains Conservation and show aspects of Botswana and Kenya.